Don’t Forget How You Got There

Don’t Forget How You Got There

By R. Christopher Haines, President and CEO What do you hope to do? What do you hope to be? In your personal life? In business? And will you really know it when you succeed? What even is the definition of success? I guess it is pretty subjective. I’m not sure our...
Don’t be a Tonsil

Don’t be a Tonsil

By R. Christopher Haines, President and CEO My son Cameron had his tonsils out last week, so I’ve had plenty of time to ponder about tonsils. Luckily, he’s been doing great since surgery. I was 28 when mine came out, and let’s just say he’s doing a lot better than I...
The Summer Classic

The Summer Classic

By R. Christopher Haines, President and CEO I’m a huge baseball fan. And this week is one of my favorites of the baseball season – All Star week. Now there are people who will disagree with my excitement and claim the game means nothing, it’s just an exhibition, or it...


By R. Christopher Haines, President and CEO Trust is very simple but, at the same time, very complex. It’s said trust takes a lifetime to build and a moment to destroy. While this is true, sometimes we don’t have a lifetime to try to build trust. Many times it’s a...
It’s About Risk

It’s About Risk

By R. Christopher Haines, President and CEO When people think about software testing, they often get lost in the enormity of technology and overwhelmed by things like what to test, how much to test, and other factors such as these. This happens a lot in the CEO’s...
Does anyone really care anymore?

Does anyone really care anymore?

By R. Christopher Haines, President and CEO I have to wonder whether any large company really cares what people think about their technology. My answer is leaning towards no. Let me give you examples of my latest experiences: One of the most well-known hamburger...