It Ain’t Sexy

It Ain’t Sexy

By R. Christopher Haines, Executive VP and Chief Operating Officer When many people think of IT, they think of innovation, computer programmers, and cutting edge apps. They envision groups of people working on ways to make your sweeper and lawnmower talk back to you...
IT – The Ultimate Afterthought

IT – The Ultimate Afterthought

By R. Christopher Haines, Executive VP and Chief Operating Officer Spending my entire career in IT, I might be a little biased. Nevertheless, I’m still surprised that the role and importance of IT in an organization is usually overlooked, especially in startups and...
Fast or Good?

Fast or Good?

By R. Christopher Haines, Executive VP and Chief Operating Officer You can have it fast, or you can have it good. But you can’t have it both ways.* Welcome to the word of unrealistic expectations: I need something very complex, and I need it yesterday. Or I want to...
How Many is Enough?

How Many is Enough?

By R. Christopher Haines, Executive VP and Chief Operating Officer Do large numbers impress you? Do you pick your hamburgers based on things like “over 99 million served”? Or are you the kind of person who likes your hamburger from the place where the owner comes out...
What did I miss?

What did I miss?

By R. Christopher Haines, Executive VP and Chief Operating Officer So, here we are in the land of insurance technology at the beginning of 2017 and #insuretech is all the rage. We’re supposed to be planning for the future, pushing innovation, trying to draw new blood...
Use the Right People

Use the Right People

By R. Christopher Haines, Executive VP and Chief Operating Officer You run a company full of top-notch people. They’ve been with you through thick and thin. They might even fight through anything with you. You decide it’s time for a new building to house your...