

By R. Christopher Haines, President and CEO Trust is very simple but, at the same time, very complex. It’s said trust takes a lifetime to build and a moment to destroy. While this is true, sometimes we don’t have a lifetime to try to build trust. Many times it’s a...
It’s About Risk

It’s About Risk

By R. Christopher Haines, President and CEO When people think about software testing, they often get lost in the enormity of technology and overwhelmed by things like what to test, how much to test, and other factors such as these. This happens a lot in the CEO’s...
Does anyone really care anymore?

Does anyone really care anymore?

By R. Christopher Haines, President and CEO I have to wonder whether any large company really cares what people think about their technology. My answer is leaning towards no. Let me give you examples of my latest experiences: One of the most well-known hamburger...

Marias Technology Hired by Farmers Union Mutual Insurance Company

Marias will provide program specs and testing services during FUMICO’s system conversion Covington, Ohio — (GLOBE NEWSWIRE — March 6, 2019) — Marias Technology, a provider of software testing and implementation services to the insurance industry, has been contracted...